
If there is something that every person worldwide can be sure of, it is that every individual on earth will at some point pass away. While no one enjoys considering these thoughts, it is a fact that we must all eventually face death.

Funeral cover is also known as burial insurance in South Africa. Just like life policies, it provides the financial support to bury the policyholder or individuals covered by this policy. Memorial services these days are expensive, most people cannot settle this out of the monthly budgets. Thus, getting a plan is a way to go. Do not worry about quotes, because most companies providing the service are very affordable.

Why Is This Insurance Important?

With the rising prices on about everything, you can understand why it is not affordable to bury a loved one. South Africa has a high number of people with a low and middle-class income rate, which means if someone in the family pass, they would not be able to pay for a proper burial. Not to worry, there is a firm out there that would provide for you and your loved one’s needs and you would not pay an arm or a leg for it. If you know, you and your family would not be able to settle the bills for a memorial service, plan ahead and get an cheap plan. This way you will have peace of mind that this one financial burden would not be a problem.

How To Receive Quotes And Valuable Information?

Well, there are several ways to receive different premiums and benefits from various companies. The fastest, yet reliable way, is to do it online. This website provides you with a form which you should fill out the details and submit. A broker would get back to you via phone or e-mail with offers you can go through. If you like an offer, you can use the agent to buy it. If not, tell the agent your requirements and budget and they will find you the most suitable plan and premium there is.

Benefits Of This Plans

  • You will get a proper burial and memorial service.
  • You family would have the money to bury you.
  • It might save your family from the financial struggle.
  • It will give your family peace.

Required Documentation To Apply

  • ID and ID’s of family you want to protect
  • Proof of residence
  • Proof of income
  • No medical examination (expect if the company ask which is unlikely)

Looking for more than funeral cover? Then rather get life insurance quotes and find a policy that will cover your funeral as well.

For Afrikaans people visit begrafnis polisse here!

"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
  • Get Funeral Cover Quotes Here